Monday, November 10, 2008

Heavenly things start with the letter H

Hello! Welcome to the Frost Family Blog. Who knew that one day we would be blogging! We will tell you a little bit about our wonderful family. Harvey the driving force behind our wonderful life, he is the greatest man I have ever know. He is an amazing, breathtaking, loving and giving person, man, friend, husband, father and grandfather. He asks for nothing and gives tons in return. I am the lucky women that calls him my Husband and Friend. We have 2 of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen ....really I am not just saying that because I am their mother. They test us both every day, some days to the end of our ropes. However, from that we learn and grow together and love them both even more for the wonderful girls they are and the amazing women we hope that they one day become.
When we are not working, we are roping. That is that sport that keeps the smiles on our faces. Harvey is an amazing Heeler, and our girls both love to ride. I just enjoy watching them do what they love. I am their biggest fan! Other than that we do 4-H and livestock shows, softball and soccer as well as spend time with family and friends.


Becca said...

Yeah You have a blog. Welcome to the blooging world!!

Reddunappy said...

great start, great name! I look forward to hearing stories about your family. I am new to blogging too, it has been fun!